20 May 2012 - Yalding Primary School Fete

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The day dawned bright and dry for Yalding Primary School's May Fayre. Kettle Bridge were booked to perform two stands and we had a good contingent of dancers. It was also great to see our latest recruit Eva who came along to support us.

One of the advantages of dancing at a school is that we are guaranteed a good surface on which to perform, namely the playground. The only danger is that the dancers may regress to their childhood and indulge in some freeform hopscotch but I am glad to report that they all controlled themselves.

Our first stand featured Prescot, Marston and KBC Processional, all danced to the usual superb standard. No detentions for anyone!

Then it was time for a break and the opportunity for a stroll around the fayre. Inevitably, Kettle Bridge were drawn to the coffee and cake stalls where the bowls of strawberries and cream proved particularly popular.

Suitably refreshed (and with calories to burn off!), the dancers embarked on their second stand. Apparently in an effort to use every item in the stick bag, the squire and foreman selected Aughton and the ever popular Cossington. This was followed by Churchtown where audience participation is actively encouraged. The dancers found several willing volunteers from the audience mainly from the younger generation who were especially enthusiastic.

That marked the end of proceedings as far as Kettle Bridge were concerned and, as we made our way home, we could reflect on another excellent day's dancing.

Creative Commons License
Kettle Bridge Clogs web site by Stephen Cordery is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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