8 July 2012 - RLSB Fun Day at Dorton House, Seal

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Health & Safety insist on a crash mat for Prescot
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Having had glorious weather for our first two appearances at the Royal London Society for the Blind (RLSB) Fun Day at Dorton House, it was inevitable that, in seemingly the wettest summer in living memory, it was a very soggy day for the 2012 event. Unfortunately, this meant that we had to dance inside as the basketball court we were due to use was too wet even if we could have dodged the showers. As a result, our audience was somewhat depleted and photography proved rather difficult, so please accept my apologies if the quality of the pictures is not up to the usual standard.

The first stand featured Prescot and KBC Processional, followed by the garland dance Marston. As usual Kettle Bridge make dancing look fun so there were many enthusiastic volunteers of all ages for Churchtown, our audience participation dance.

Then it was time for a break and a look round the rest of the fair. There was a beer tent, ice cream van, various other stalls, live music and dancing but the indoor refreshment area proved very popular, not least because of the large screen TV showing the Wimbledon men's tennis final. Come on, Andy! Oh, never mind.

The weather had improved a little by now with some sun between the showers but it was deemed prudent to have the second stand indoors as well. For this, Kettle Bridge performed Milnrow, Ealuscerwen and Aughton. Again the audience was sparse but those that were there thoroughly enjoyed the dancing.

With our performance complete, we packed up and made our way back to the car park, hoping that we were not going to get stuck in the mud.

Creative Commons License
Kettle Bridge Clogs web site by Stephen Cordery is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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