Kettle Bridge Clogs' Programme

Diary items
Tue 01 Jan 2019 to Wed 01 Jan 2020

(Maximum of 999 items shown)
Sat 23 Mar 2019
Sat 20 Apr 2019
Wed 01 May 2019
Sat 04 May 2019
Sat 01 Jun 2019
Thu 20 Jun 2019
Tue 09 Jul 2019
Tue 16 Jul 2019
Sat 27 Jul 2019
Sun 28 Jul 2019
Sat 14 Sep 2019


This page has been retained on the website so that you can see historical diary items.

Diary Item Selection

Specify Range of Diary Items

Start Date


Viewing Diary Entry Details

Click on one of the diary entries on the left for more details, including links to maps. Note that locations are given as latitude and longitude (e.g. 51.12625,0.25809). This gives greater accuracy and these can be used as a destination by most SatNavs.

Click on one of the map links to see a map showing the exact location and surrounding area.

Seeing Different Dates

In the Diary Item Selection area above, change the Start Date, select how many months or diary items you want to see and click on the Show Items button.

To see later diary items, click on the Next Items button.

To see earlier diary items, click on the Prev Items button.

To return to today, click on the Reset button.

Creative Commons License
Kettle Bridge Clogs web site by Stephen Cordery is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

This page has been visited 20,415 times since 16 April 2014