KBC Music

[Picture of Accordian]

Kettle Bridge Clogs Music

Kettle Bridge Clogs use a number of tunes to accompany the dancers. One of our musicians, John Wild, has kindly provided the music for these tunes in ABC format. Please feel free to listen to the tunes. The usual laws of copyright apply.

[Picture of Concertina]
What is ABC format?
ABC is a way of writing music down in a simple textual form that can be understood by both humans and computers.
See the ABC Notation web site for more details.

How can I play the music?

Click here to see the ABC music in a PDF file. The first page has links that you can click on to go to a particular tune or all the music for a dance.
If you are unable to use the PDF file, click here to see the ABC music shown in your browser as a text file.

Select the text of the tune you are interested in and copy it.
Click here to go to the Mandolintab.net ABC Converter.
Paste the text of the tune into the text box and click on Submit.
You should see the sheet music for the tune.

Click on pdf to get the sheet music in PDF format which can readily be saved or printed.
Click on midi to get the music in midi format which you should be able to play on your computer using Windows Media Player or a similar program.

How can I get a copy of the music in ABC format onto my own computer for me to keep?

Click here.
Depending on which browser you are using, the music in an ABC file may be copied automatically to your computer or you could be asked whether you want to Save a file called KBCMusic.abc. If asked, click on the button to save the file and specify somewhere safe for it to be stored on your computer.
In either case, you should end up with the KBCMusic.abc file on your computer.

How can I play the music on my own computer?

Download and install a computer program that can play ABC music.
There is a comprehensive list of programs on the software page on the ABC Notation web site.
For example, I have successfully used ABC Navigator to play the Kettle Bridge ABC music.

Creative Commons License
Kettle Bridge Clogs web site by Stephen Cordery is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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