1 May 2010 - Barming Bridge

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1st May is always a special day in the Kettle Bridge calendar. This is the occasion when we dance across the Medway river bridge from which we take our name. So at about 7 p.m., we congregated at the bottom of South Street in Barming.

The first challenge of the evening was to open the gate into the car park. Some kind soul had poured "supaglue" into the lock, rendering the key completely useless. Armed with a small toolkit of spanners and pliers, the men set about dismantling the lock mechanism. By a fantastic team effort, the gate was eventually opened but by then it was too late to use the car park as the procession over the bridge was about to begin.

A reasonable sized crowd watched as our squire led the dancers over the bridge followed by the band. This was followed by a performance of a number of our usual dances, culminating in a Churchtown to give the crowd a chance to participate. As ever, it was the enthusiastic littl'uns who stole the show.

Special mention must be made of our latest recruit Caroline who was dancing out for the first time. It is always a nerve-racking experience but she came through with flying colours. Well done!

A cake then appeared and this was distributed to dancers and audience alike. Even the band was allowed some!

Then it was off up the hill to The Bull where there was yet more dancing. This included the first public performance of the latest addition to the Kettle Bridge repertoire, namely Ealuscerwen. Despite the fading light, the dancers did a great job.

With the dancing complete, most people went inside the pub for some welcome and well-deserved refreshment and a good old morris sing-song. The dancing year had officially started!

Creative Commons License
Kettle Bridge Clogs web site by Stephen Cordery is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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