2 June 2012 - Chester Folk Festival (Day 1)

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The Lord Binning, Kelsall
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Kettle Bridge were delighted to be invited to appear at the Chester Folk Festival at Kelsall.

Most of us made the long journey up from Kent the day before but nearly everyone encountered delays on their way up. Still, we all managed to get to the first stand at the Lord Binning pub in plenty of time ... apart from the Lock Keeper's Cottage contingent whose accommodation lived up to its name and kept itself locked!

We shared the first stand with

The few spots of rain that appeared did not deter any of the dancers who performed to a decent sized crowd in the pub car park. It was an interesting mix of styles, with North West, Rapper, Appalachian and Mumming.

Kettle Bridge took their turn to dance and performed Prescot and Ealuscerwen. Then there was time for a spot of lunch and a wander around the stalls before assembling again at Farmers Arms, a pub at the edge of the village.

The same sides were in attendance with the exception of Black Swan. Again the pub car park was used for our performances and this proved to be an excellent surface for dancing. By this time though, the temperature had dropped a little and the wind had sprung up, so conditions were not ideal, but the show must go on.

For this stand, we danced Milnrow, Marston and KBC Processional. All the sides' performances were greatly appreciated by the small but enthusiastic crowd.

With the dancing over, it was then time to disperse to enjoy the evening entertainment.

Creative Commons License
Kettle Bridge Clogs web site by Stephen Cordery is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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